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A member registered 35 days ago

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(1 edit)

Dude, how do you cooks these so quickly? Great job man

(2 edits)

Ok, give me like, a few hours or something, 'cause I'm a slow FPoS (Fat Piece of Shit). On a side note, do you want him shirtless or just the default fit with the pantyhose?

Don't threaten me with a good challenge.

(5 edits)

Also, the scaling's clearly intentional. I totally picked a background beforehand and it isn't like this because I was going to colour it black and white, like the in-game cutscenes, but only remembered that once I finished colouring half the image and thought no background on a coloured image would look weird.

Edit: nvm, I figured out the arcane technology of the transform tool and simply enlarged it. This is why sleep is important.

(2 edits)

Sry I've been gone for a week. Uni, work & stuff like that's been hogging up time. Anyway, here's Jade & Lulu doing that one Wojak meme, created using my sub-par art skillz 

Really hope that guy's doing alright. The comment was in early January or around that time, right?

Ayo, man, congrats!

(1 edit)

It's not the best job ever, but I added the nose. Brushes up against the eyepatch unfortunately, so it looks a little stranger (Background image unrelated BTW, not trying to dis you or anything)

Did you enjoy your experience with RE8?

(3 edits)

Also, thanks to "Histeve" for the idea (Renaming the title & making Lulu bald, I just decided to give her a Gru scarf because I thought it was funny).

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Got bored and made a Gru-inspired edit of Lulu. I couldn't find the file for the menu background, so I just put Kenny from TT's the Walking Dead in the back.

Your wish has been half granted (See newer comments)

I don't know if he's stupid, but is there a lore reason?